
School-led community

development through

research and innovation


This programme consists of weekly sessions that bring the students through the process of formulating an idea to actualising it as a solution in a real world context.

These sessions include:

Inspiration workshops

Students are introduced to a number of science topics from the perspective of their relationship with a societal concept or challenge through workshops designed by OSHub-IE. The topics were Bias and Technology; Astronomy and Diversity; Sustainability and Future Cities; Mental Health and Wellbeing; Activism and Climate Change; Innovation and Ethics, Trust and Science. Experts in these topics would often be introduced during these workshops.

Ideation sessions

Over 2 sessions, students collaboratively select a challenge topic and initial project ideas for an Open Schooling project. The rapid ideation approach is used to assist students with concept generation.

Accelerator session

Students are introduced to a variety of experts related to their chosen topics, one or more of which are then paired with the school for the research and project phases. One aim of this session is to inspire possible pursuits of interest and make aware the career paths available to students.

Research sessions

Students carry out research into their concept, guided by experts and local stakeholders to ensure real-world relevance.

Project development sessions

Students develop project outputs that address their chosen issue, which are then later presented in the form of a physical or digital showcase.

The entire programme can be separated into milestones that teachers should aim for when planning their activities: Kick-off, Inspiration, Ideation, Accelerator, Research, Project, Showcase. However the programme is designed to be flexible around time commitments of TY, as well as adaptable to suit the resources of the school.